摘要A new method is used to compute the fission cross sections in which a change of the ratio of the level density parameter in fission to neutron emission channels is taken into account with the change of the incident energy of the projectile. It is shown that fission cross sections induced by ucleons and pions depend on the ratio of the level density parameter in the fission and evaporation modes, i.e. af/an, respectively. We are unable to describe well the cross sections for fission without using this new method. The computed values exhibit reasonable agreement with the experimental data found in the literature across a wide range of beam energies.
Abstract:A new method is used to compute the fission cross sections in which a change of the ratio of the level density parameter in fission to neutron emission channels is taken into account with the change of the incident energy of the projectile. It is shown that fission cross sections induced by ucleons and pions depend on the ratio of the level density parameter in the fission and evaporation modes, i.e. af/an, respectively. We are unable to describe well the cross sections for fission without using this new method. The computed values exhibit reasonable agreement with the experimental data found in the literature across a wide range of beam energies.
Zafar Yasin. Dependence of Nucleon and Pion-Induced Fission Cross Sections on the Level Density Parameter in the Cascade-Exciton Model[J]. 中国物理快报, 2009, 26(8): 82505-082505.
Zafar Yasin. Dependence of Nucleon and Pion-Induced Fission Cross Sections on the Level Density Parameter in the Cascade-Exciton Model. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2009, 26(8): 82505-082505.
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