摘要The contribution of higher harmonics to the movement of a micro rectangular cantilever in tapping mode AFM is investigated. The dependence between the phase lag of the higher harmonic components and tip-sample separation are found to be an order of magnitude higher than the base one, reflecting an increasing sensitivity to local variations of surface properties compared to the normal phase signal. The strong correlation between the higher harmonic amplitude and average sample deformation implies that the higher harmonic amplitude can be taken to monitor the tapping force or as feedback variable to fulfill a constant repulsive force mode.
Abstract:The contribution of higher harmonics to the movement of a micro rectangular cantilever in tapping mode AFM is investigated. The dependence between the phase lag of the higher harmonic components and tip-sample separation are found to be an order of magnitude higher than the base one, reflecting an increasing sensitivity to local variations of surface properties compared to the normal phase signal. The strong correlation between the higher harmonic amplitude and average sample deformation implies that the higher harmonic amplitude can be taken to monitor the tapping force or as feedback variable to fulfill a constant repulsive force mode.
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