摘要We investigate the nucleus 10Be using the deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) model and BCS theory. The calculated density distribution suggests two α clusters in the nucleus 10Be. According to BCS theory, the two valence neutrons transit to the first excited state 02+ in a pair and form a 2-n cluster. By comparing the two neutron separation energy (S2n) with the single neutron separation energy (Sn), and analyzing the difference between the neutron and proton rms radii (Rn-Rp) calculated by the deformed RMF, we suggest that 10Be is the best candidate for a two-neutron skin. The two-neutron skin clings to the 2α clusters closely and makes the two α clusters have cross and chain distribution.
Abstract:We investigate the nucleus 10Be using the deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) model and BCS theory. The calculated density distribution suggests two α clusters in the nucleus 10Be. According to BCS theory, the two valence neutrons transit to the first excited state 02+ in a pair and form a 2-n cluster. By comparing the two neutron separation energy (S2n) with the single neutron separation energy (Sn), and analyzing the difference between the neutron and proton rms radii (Rn-Rp) calculated by the deformed RMF, we suggest that 10Be is the best candidate for a two-neutron skin. The two-neutron skin clings to the 2α clusters closely and makes the two α clusters have cross and chain distribution.
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