中国物理快报  2008, Vol. 25 Issue (9): 3496-3499    
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Effect of Rolling Massage on Particle Moving Behaviour in Blood Vessels
YI Hou-Hui1, FAN Li-Juan1, YANG Xiao-Feng2, CHEN Yan-Yan3
1Department of Physics and Electronic Science, Binzhou University, Shandong 2566002Department of Computer Engineering, Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College, Zhejiang 3220003Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 800-204, Shanghai 201800
Effect of Rolling Massage on Particle Moving Behaviour in Blood Vessels
YI Hou-Hui1, FAN Li-Juan1, YANG Xiao-Feng2, CHEN Yan-Yan3
1Department of Physics and Electronic Science, Binzhou University, Shandong 2566002Department of Computer Engineering, Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College, Zhejiang 3220003Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 800-204, Shanghai 201800