摘要A liquid nitrogen cooled dual-wavelength Tm,Ho:GdVO4 microchip laser is reported. The output dual wavelengths are at 2038.9nm and 2050.1nm. At each wavelength, the laser has a single longitudinal mode. The threshold power is nearly 20mW and the slope efficiency is 18.7%. The single longitudinal mode output power reaches 98mW, and the ratio of power is about 60% (2038.9nm) and 40% 2050.1nm.
Abstract:A liquid nitrogen cooled dual-wavelength Tm,Ho:GdVO4 microchip laser is reported. The output dual wavelengths are at 2038.9nm and 2050.1nm. At each wavelength, the laser has a single longitudinal mode. The threshold power is nearly 20mW and the slope efficiency is 18.7%. The single longitudinal mode output power reaches 98mW, and the ratio of power is about 60% (2038.9nm) and 40% 2050.1nm.
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