摘要A simple dip-stick type uniaxial stress actuator for ac-susceptibility measurement is designed. Target pressure can be achieved by smooth and continues work carried out using a combination of light weight micrometer and spring. The magnitude of the pressure is directly calculated from the force constant of the spring and the surface area of the sample. Benchmark on the quality of the data under uniaxial pressure is confirmed by the Piezo resistance measurements on [100] oriented n-type Si. The system is examined and calibrated with the standard paramagnetic Gd2O3. Further, the device performance, generation of constant uniaxial pressure against temperature variations, is assured by investigating the ac-magnetic susceptibility measurements on highly anisotropic La1.25Sr1.75Mn2O7 bilayer single crystal.
Abstract:A simple dip-stick type uniaxial stress actuator for ac-susceptibility measurement is designed. Target pressure can be achieved by smooth and continues work carried out using a combination of light weight micrometer and spring. The magnitude of the pressure is directly calculated from the force constant of the spring and the surface area of the sample. Benchmark on the quality of the data under uniaxial pressure is confirmed by the Piezo resistance measurements on [100] oriented n-type Si. The system is examined and calibrated with the standard paramagnetic Gd2O3. Further, the device performance, generation of constant uniaxial pressure against temperature variations, is assured by investigating the ac-magnetic susceptibility measurements on highly anisotropic La1.25Sr1.75Mn2O7 bilayer single crystal.
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