Two-Wave Mixing in Resonant Photorefractive GaAs/AlGaAs
Semi-insulating Multiple Quantum Wells
HU Chengyong*, ZHANG Zhiguo, KANG Jing, FENG Wei, HU Qiang, HUANG Qi, ZHOU Junming
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Being 100080
*National Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures, Institute of Semiconductors, Academia
Sinica, Being 100083 (present address).
Two-Wave Mixing in Resonant Photorefractive GaAs/AlGaAs
Semi-insulating Multiple Quantum Wells
HU Chengyong*;ZHANG Zhiguo;KANG Jing;FENG Wei;HU Qiang;HUANG Qi;ZHOU Junming
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Being 100080
*National Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures, Institute of Semiconductors, Academia
Sinica, Being 100083 (present address).
Abstract: We have observed the two-wave mixing of the photorefractive GaAs/AIGaAs semiinsulating multiple quantum wells fabricated by film lift-off approach and proton implanting technique. Under the non-optimized condition, we have obtained the two-wave mixing gain larger than 180cm-1 at wavelength near 784nm for a field of 10kV/cm. Energy transfer is also observed when the applied field is perpendicular to the grating vector.