中国物理快报  1995, Vol. 12 Issue (6): 370-373    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Crossover from a Fractal Lattice to an Euclidean Lattice for the Thermodynamic Properties of a Four-Spin Interaction Ising Model
LI Jianhua, QIN Yong*
Department of Physics, Education College of Ningxia and Teacher Academy of Yinchuan, Yinchuan 750002 *CCAST (World Laboratory) P. O. Box 8730, Beijing 100080 Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
Crossover from a Fractal Lattice to an Euclidean Lattice for the Thermodynamic Properties of a Four-Spin Interaction Ising Model
LI Jianhua;QIN Yong*
Department of Physics, Education College of Ningxia and Teacher Academy of Yinchuan, Yinchuan 750002 *CCAST (World Laboratory) P. O. Box 8730, Beijing 100080 Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875