中国物理快报  1993, Vol. 10 Issue (8): 479-481    
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Enhancement of Anti-Stokes Line of Stimulated Four-Photon Mixing in an Er3+ Doped Silica Fiber
SHEN Shupo, YU Zhongqiu*
Department of Physics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052 *Seventh Department, Zhengzhou Information Engineering College, Zhengzhou 450000
Enhancement of Anti-Stokes Line of Stimulated Four-Photon Mixing in an Er3+ Doped Silica Fiber
SHEN Shupo;YU Zhongqiu*
Department of Physics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052 *Seventh Department, Zhengzhou Information Engineering College, Zhengzhou 450000