中国物理快报  1991, Vol. 8 Issue (10): 529-532    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Microstructural Characterization of Epitaxial GaAs on Separation-by-Implanted- Oxygen Substrates
ZHU Wenhua, LIN Chenglu, NI Rushan, LI Aizhen, ZOU Shichang, P. L. F. Hernment*
Ion Beam Laboratory, Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Academia Sinica, Shanghai 200050 *Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Surrey Guildford, GU2 5HX, United Kingdom
Microstructural Characterization of Epitaxial GaAs on Separation-by-Implanted- Oxygen Substrates
ZHU Wenhua;LIN Chenglu;NI Rushan;LI Aizhen;ZOU Shichang;P. L. F. Hernment*
Ion Beam Laboratory, Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Academia Sinica, Shanghai 200050 *Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Surrey Guildford, GU2 5HX, United Kingdom