中国物理快报  2001, Vol. 18 Issue (7): 915-917    
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Two Photon Pumped Upconversion and Nonlinear Optical Properties of a New Lasing Dye: DEASPI
WANG Dong, WANG Xiao-Mei, ZHOU Guang-Yong, WANG Chun, SHAO Zong-Shu, JIANG Min-Hua
State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Institute of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250100
Two Photon Pumped Upconversion and Nonlinear Optical Properties of a New Lasing Dye: DEASPI
WANG Dong;WANG Xiao-Mei;ZHOU Guang-Yong;WANG Chun;SHAO Zong-Shu;JIANG Min-Hua
State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Institute of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250100