中国物理快报  2004, Vol. 21 Issue (8): 1429-1432    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
A New Type of Cascading Synchronization for Halo-Chaos and Its Potential for Communication Applications
FANG Jin-Qing1, YU Xing-Huo 2
1China Institute of Atomic Energy, PO Box 275-81, Beijing 102413 2Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
A New Type of Cascading Synchronization for Halo-Chaos and Its Potential for Communication Applications
FANG Jin-Qing1;YU Xing-Huo 2
1China Institute of Atomic Energy, PO Box 275-81, Beijing 102413 2Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia