Passive Q-Switching Modelocked Yb3+ -Doped Fibre Laser with GaAs Absorber Grown at Low Temperature
FENG Xiao-Ming1 , WANG Yong-Gang1 , LIU Yuan-Yuan1 , LAN Yong-Sheng1 , LIN Tao1 , WANG Jun1 , WANG Xiao-Wei1 ,FANG Gao-Zhan1 , MA Xiao-Yu1 , WANG Yong-Gang2 , ZHANG Zhi-Gang2
1 Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083
2 Ultrafast Laser Laboratory, School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
Passive Q-Switching Modelocked Yb3+ -Doped Fibre Laser with GaAs Absorber Grown at Low Temperature
FENG Xiao-Ming1 ;WANG Yong-Gang1 ;LIU Yuan-Yuan1 ;LAN Yong-Sheng1 ;LIN Tao1 ;WANG Jun1 ;WANG Xiao-Wei1 ,FANG Gao-Zhan1 ;MA Xiao-Yu1 ;WANG Yong-Gang2 ;ZHANG Zhi-Gang2
1 Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083
2 Ultrafast Laser Laboratory, School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
关键词 :
42.81.Wg ,
42.65.Re ,
42.60.Fc ,
Abstract : GaAs absorber was grown at low temperature (550°C) by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) and was used as an output coupler with which we realized Q-switching modelocked Yb3+ -doped fibre laser. The shortest period of the envelope of the Q-switched modelocking is about 3μs. The modelocking threshold is 4.27W and the highest average output pulse power is 290mW. The modelocking frequency is 12MHz.
Key words :
出版日期: 2005-02-01
(Other fiber-optical devices)
(Ultrafast processes; optical pulse generation and pulse compression)
(Modulation, tuning, and mode locking)
FENG Xiao-Ming;WANG Yong-Gang;LIU Yuan-Yuan;LAN Yong-Sheng;LIN Tao;WANG Jun;WANG Xiao-Wei;FANG Gao-Zhan;MA Xiao-Yu;WANG Yong-Gang;ZHANG Zhi-Gang. Passive Q-Switching Modelocked Yb3+ -Doped Fibre Laser with GaAs Absorber Grown at Low Temperature[J]. 中国物理快报, 2005, 22(2): 391-393.
FENG Xiao-Ming, WANG Yong-Gang, LIU Yuan-Yuan, LAN Yong-Sheng, LIN Tao, WANG Jun, WANG Xiao-Wei, FANG Gao-Zhan, MA Xiao-Yu, WANG Yong-Gang, ZHANG Zhi-Gang. Passive Q-Switching Modelocked Yb3+ -Doped Fibre Laser with GaAs Absorber Grown at Low Temperature. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2005, 22(2): 391-393.
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