中国物理快报  2005, Vol. 22 Issue (1): 239-242    
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Absorption Spectra and Ionic Conductivity of RbxCs1-xAg4I5 Superionic Conductors Thin Films
CAO Yang1, SUN Jia-Lin1, ZHANG Guo-Sheng2, GUO Ji-Hua1, WANG Zheng-Ping2
1Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Nanosciences of Education Ministry and Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 2Department of Physics, Science School, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001
Absorption Spectra and Ionic Conductivity of RbxCs1-xAg4I5 Superionic Conductors Thin Films
CAO Yang1;SUN Jia-Lin1;ZHANG Guo-Sheng2;GUO Ji-Hua1;WANG Zheng-Ping2
1Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Nanosciences of Education Ministry and Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 2Department of Physics, Science School, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001