摘要We present the interactions of the electromagnetic waves with multilayer media formed by double-negative and double-positive slabs to find the frequency response of the structure. The double-negative slabs are analytically realized by using the frequency dispersive cold plasma medium. Numerical examples are performed using an in-house developed simulation programme code. The variation of the reflectance and the transmittance with the emphasis on the plasma frequencies is observed in these examples.
Abstract:We present the interactions of the electromagnetic waves with multilayer media formed by double-negative and double-positive slabs to find the frequency response of the structure. The double-negative slabs are analytically realized by using the frequency dispersive cold plasma medium. Numerical examples are performed using an in-house developed simulation programme code. The variation of the reflectance and the transmittance with the emphasis on the plasma frequencies is observed in these examples.
Cumali Sabah; Savas Uckun. Frequency Response of Multilayer Media Comprised of Double-Negative and Double-Positive Slabs[J]. 中国物理快报, 2007, 24(5): 1242-1244.
Cumali Sabah, Savas Uckun. Frequency Response of Multilayer Media Comprised of Double-Negative and Double-Positive Slabs. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2007, 24(5): 1242-1244.
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