A Novel Woodpile Three-Dimensional Terahertz Photonic Crystal
LIU Huan, YAO Jian-Quan, ZHENG Fang-Hua, XU De-Gang, WANG Peng
1Institute of Laser and Optoelectronics, College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 3000722Key Laboratory of Optoelectric Information Science and Technology (Ministry of Education) Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
A Novel Woodpile Three-Dimensional Terahertz Photonic Crystal
LIU Huan;YAO Jian-Quan;ZHENG Fang-Hua;XU De-Gang;WANG Peng
1Institute of Laser and Optoelectronics, College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 3000722Key Laboratory of Optoelectric Information Science and Technology (Ministry of Education) Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
摘要A novel woodpile lattice structure is proposed. Based on plane wave expansion (PWE) method, the complete photonic band gaps (PBGs) of the novel woodpile three-dimensional (3D) terahertz (THz) photonic crystal (PC) with a decreasing symmetry relative to a face-centred-tetragonal ( fct) symmetry are optimized by varying some structural parameters and the highest band gap ratio can reach 27.61%. Compared to the traditional woodpile lattice, the novel woodpile lattice has a wider range of the filling ratios to gain high quality PBGs, which provides greater convenience for the manufacturing process. The novel woodpile 3D PC will be very promising for materials of THz functional components.
Abstract:A novel woodpile lattice structure is proposed. Based on plane wave expansion (PWE) method, the complete photonic band gaps (PBGs) of the novel woodpile three-dimensional (3D) terahertz (THz) photonic crystal (PC) with a decreasing symmetry relative to a face-centred-tetragonal ( fct) symmetry are optimized by varying some structural parameters and the highest band gap ratio can reach 27.61%. Compared to the traditional woodpile lattice, the novel woodpile lattice has a wider range of the filling ratios to gain high quality PBGs, which provides greater convenience for the manufacturing process. The novel woodpile 3D PC will be very promising for materials of THz functional components.
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