中国物理快报  2007, Vol. 24 Issue (6): 1771-1774    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Oscillatory Activities in Regulatory Biological Networks and Hopf Bifurcation
YAN Shi-Wei 1,2,3, WANG Qi1, XIE Bai-Song 1,3, ZHANG Feng-Shou 1,2,3
1The Key Laboratory of Beam Technology and Material Modification of Ministry of Education, Institute of Low Energy Nuclear Physics, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 1008752Center of Theoretical Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator of Lanzhou, Lanzhou 7300003Beijing Radiation Center, Beijing 100875
Oscillatory Activities in Regulatory Biological Networks and Hopf Bifurcation
YAN Shi-Wei 1,2,3;WANG Qi1;XIE Bai-Song 1,3;ZHANG Feng-Shou 1,2,3
1The Key Laboratory of Beam Technology and Material Modification of Ministry of Education, Institute of Low Energy Nuclear Physics, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 1008752Center of Theoretical Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator of Lanzhou, Lanzhou 7300003Beijing Radiation Center, Beijing 100875