摘要With a crystal orientation dependent on the etch rate of Si in KOH-based solution, a base-emitter self-aligned large-area multi-finger configuration power SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) device (with an emitter area of about 880μm2) is fabricated with 2μm double-mesa technology. The maximum dc current gain is 226.1. The collector--emitter junction breakdown voltage BVCEO is 10V and the collector-base junction breakdown voltage BVCBO is 16V with collector doping concentration of 1×1017cm-3 and thickness of 400nm. The device exhibited a maximum oscillation frequency fmax of 35.5 GHz and a cut-off frequency fT of 24.9GHz at a dc bias point of IC=70mA and the voltage between collector and emitter is VCE=3 V. Load pull measurements in class-A operation of the SiGe HBT are performed at 1.9GHz with input power ranging from 0dBm to 21dBm. A maximum output power of 29.9dBm (about 977mW) is obtained at an input power of 18.5dBm with a gain of 11.47dB. Compared to a non-self-aligned SiGe HBT with the same heterostructure and process, fmax and fT are improved by about 83.9% and 38.3%, respectively.
Abstract:With a crystal orientation dependent on the etch rate of Si in KOH-based solution, a base-emitter self-aligned large-area multi-finger configuration power SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) device (with an emitter area of about 880μm2) is fabricated with 2μm double-mesa technology. The maximum dc current gain is 226.1. The collector--emitter junction breakdown voltage BVCEO is 10V and the collector-base junction breakdown voltage BVCBO is 16V with collector doping concentration of 1×1017cm-3 and thickness of 400nm. The device exhibited a maximum oscillation frequency fmax of 35.5 GHz and a cut-off frequency fT of 24.9GHz at a dc bias point of IC=70mA and the voltage between collector and emitter is VCE=3 V. Load pull measurements in class-A operation of the SiGe HBT are performed at 1.9GHz with input power ranging from 0dBm to 21dBm. A maximum output power of 29.9dBm (about 977mW) is obtained at an input power of 18.5dBm with a gain of 11.47dB. Compared to a non-self-aligned SiGe HBT with the same heterostructure and process, fmax and fT are improved by about 83.9% and 38.3%, respectively.
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