摘要Decomposition of a composite system C into different subsystems, A + B or D + E, may help in avoiding decoherence. For example, the environment-induced decoherence for an A + B system need not destroy entanglement present in the D + E system (A + B = C = D + E). This new approach opens some questions also in the foundations of the quantum computation theory that might eventually lead to a new model of quantum computation.
Abstract:Decomposition of a composite system C into different subsystems, A + B or D + E, may help in avoiding decoherence. For example, the environment-induced decoherence for an A + B system need not destroy entanglement present in the D + E system (A + B = C = D + E). This new approach opens some questions also in the foundations of the quantum computation theory that might eventually lead to a new model of quantum computation.
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