中国物理快报  2008, Vol. 25 Issue (4): 1380-1383    
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Thickness Dependence of Resistivity and Optical Reflectance of ITO Films
GAO Mei-Zhen1,2, JOB R2, XUE De-Sheng1, FAHRNER W R2
1Key Lab for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 7300002Department of Electronic Devices, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Hagen, Haldener Str. 182, D-58084 Hagen, Germany
Thickness Dependence of Resistivity and Optical Reflectance of ITO Films
GAO Mei-Zhen1,2;JOB R2;XUE De-Sheng1;FAHRNER W R2
1Key Lab for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 7300002Department of Electronic Devices, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Hagen, Haldener Str. 182, D-58084 Hagen, Germany