中国物理快报  2008, Vol. 25 Issue (2): 651-653    
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Minority Carrier Lifetime in As-Grown Germanium Doped Czochralski Silicon
ZHU Xin, YANG De-Ren, LI Ming, CHEN Tao, WANG Lei, QUE Duan-Lin
State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials and Department of Material Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027
Minority Carrier Lifetime in As-Grown Germanium Doped Czochralski Silicon
ZHU Xin;YANG De-Ren;LI Ming;CHEN Tao;WANG Lei;QUE Duan-Lin
State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials and Department of Material Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027