摘要We investigate a Heisenberg spin cluster with two particles controlled by a time-dependent magnetic field. The system is controlled by tuning the amplitude, frequency, and interaction time of the three-step time-dependent magnetic field. Then we solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation of the two-particle system, and obtain the time evolution operator. By the three-timestep interaction, the wavefunction evolves from the initial state to the final state, and the total evolution operator can be expressed as a product of the three evolution operators. By adjusting the physical parameters, the key two-qubit logic gate, the C-Not gate, can be realized physically.
Abstract:We investigate a Heisenberg spin cluster with two particles controlled by a time-dependent magnetic field. The system is controlled by tuning the amplitude, frequency, and interaction time of the three-step time-dependent magnetic field. Then we solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation of the two-particle system, and obtain the time evolution operator. By the three-timestep interaction, the wavefunction evolves from the initial state to the final state, and the total evolution operator can be expressed as a product of the three evolution operators. By adjusting the physical parameters, the key two-qubit logic gate, the C-Not gate, can be realized physically.
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