中国物理快报  1992, Vol. 9 Issue (11): 597-600    
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Two Kinds of Deep Hole-Traps in Bi4Ge3O12 Crystal
FENG Xiqi, CHENG Chaoyang, YIN Zhiwen, M. R. Khamlary*, P. D. Townsend*
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Academia Sinica, Shanghai 200050 *School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, BNl 9QH, UK
Two Kinds of Deep Hole-Traps in Bi4Ge3O12 Crystal
FENG Xiqi;CHENG Chaoyang;YIN Zhiwen;M. R. Khamlary*;P. D. Townsend*
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Academia Sinica, Shanghai 200050 *School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, BNl 9QH, UK