1Department of Physics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 7300002Institute of Applied Physics, Jimei University, Xiamen 3610213Department of Physics, Centre for Nonlinear Studies, and Beijing--Hong Kong--Singapore Joint4Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems (Hongkong), Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Geographical Effects on Complex Networks
LIN Zhong-Cai1;YANG Lei3;YANG Kong-Qing1,2
1Department of Physics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 7300002Institute of Applied Physics, Jimei University, Xiamen 3610213Department of Physics, Centre for Nonlinear Studies, and Beijing--Hong Kong--Singapore Joint4Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems (Hongkong), Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Abstract:We investigate how the geographical structure of a complex network affects its network topology, synchronization and the average spatial length of edges. The geographical structure means that the connecting probability of two nodes is related to the spatial distance of the two nodes. Our simulation results show that the geographical structure changes the network topology. The synchronization tendency is enhanced and the average spatial length of edges is enlarged when the node can randomly connect to the further one. Analytic results support our understanding of the phenomena.
LIN Zhong-Cai;YANG Lei;YANG Kong-Qing;. Geographical Effects on Complex Networks[J]. 中国物理快报, 2004, 21(12): 3214-3217.
LIN Zhong-Cai, YANG Lei, YANG Kong-Qing,. Geographical Effects on Complex Networks. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2004, 21(12): 3214-3217.