中国物理快报  2003, Vol. 20 Issue (9): 1552-1553    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Dopant Effects on Defects in GaN Films Grown by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
LU Min, YANG Hua, LI Zi-Lan, YANG Zhi-Jian, LI Zhong-Hui, REN Qian, JIN Chun-Lai, LU Shu, ZHANG Bei, ZHANG Guo-Yi
School of Physics and Center for Wide Band-Gap Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871 State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, Beijing 100871
Dopant Effects on Defects in GaN Films Grown by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
LU Min;YANG Hua;LI Zi-Lan;YANG Zhi-Jian;LI Zhong-Hui;REN Qian;JIN Chun-Lai;LU Shu;ZHANG Bei;ZHANG Guo-Yi
School of Physics and Center for Wide Band-Gap Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871 State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructures and Mesoscopic Physics, Beijing 100871