中国物理快报  1991, Vol. 8 Issue (11): 593-596    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Nonlinear Dispersion of Magnetostatic Surface Waves on Ferromagnetic Films
A.D.Boardman1, BAO Jiashan2, Wang Qi2, CAI Yingshi2, S.A.Nikitov3
1Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Salford Unviersity,UK 2Department of Physcis, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 201800 3Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, USSR Accedemy of Science, Moscow, USSR
Nonlinear Dispersion of Magnetostatic Surface Waves on Ferromagnetic Films
A.D.Boardman1;BAO Jiashan2;Wang Qi2;CAI Yingshi2;S.A.Nikitov3
1Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Salford Unviersity,UK 2Department of Physcis, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 201800 3Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, USSR Accedemy of Science, Moscow, USSR