中国物理快报  2000, Vol. 17 Issue (4): 258-260    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Single W Boson Production at √s = 189 GeV
YANG Hai-Jun, CHEN Guo-Ming, YANG Min, XIONG Zhao-Hua, LU Liang, LU Yu-Sheng, CHEN He-Sheng, TANG Xiao-Wei, Martin Pohl*, JIN Bing-Nian*
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039 *Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
Single W Boson Production at √s = 189 GeV
YANG Hai-Jun;CHEN Guo-Ming;YANG Min;XIONG Zhao-Hua;LU Liang;LU Yu-Sheng;CHEN He-Sheng;TANG Xiao-Wei;Martin Pohl*;JIN Bing-Nian*
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039 *Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland