中国物理快报  1999, Vol. 16 Issue (11): 800-802    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
J /ψ Suppression and the Effect of Quark Flavor Kinetics
LI Pan-lin1, DENG Cheng-feng1, WANG Li-lian2, XU Meng-jie2
1Department of Physics, Suzhou Railway Normal College, Suzhou 215009 2Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800
J /ψ Suppression and the Effect of Quark Flavor Kinetics
LI Pan-lin1;DENG Cheng-feng1;WANG Li-lian2;XU Meng-jie2
1Department of Physics, Suzhou Railway Normal College, Suzhou 215009 2Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800