Lax Pairs of Integrable Systems in Bidifferential Graded Algebras
Danda Zhang1 , Da-Jun Zhang2 , Sen-Yue Lou3**
1 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Ningbo University, Ningbo 3152112 Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 2004443 School of Physical Science and Technology, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211
Abstract :Lax pairs regarded as foundations of the inverse scattering methods play an important role in integrable systems. In the framework of bidifferential graded algebras, we propose a straightforward approach to constructing the Lax pairs of integrable systems in functional environment. Some continuous equations and discrete equations are presented.
收稿日期: 2019-12-11
出版日期: 2020-03-24
(Integrable systems)
(Partial differential equations)
(Nonlinearity, bifurcation, and symmetry breaking)
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