Acoustic Vortex Beam Generation by a Piezoelectric Transducer Using Spiral Electrodes
Han Zhang1**, Yang Gao2
1Key Laboratory of Noise and Vibration, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 2College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083
Abstract:We propose an innovative method to generate acoustic vortex waves based on a disc piezoelectric transducer that is coated with multi-arm coiled electrodes. Finite element simulation results for single-arm to four-arm coiled electrodes indicate that the method could modulate amplitude and phase spatial distribution of the acoustic waves near the acoustic axis by acoustic field synthesis principle, making the waves rotate spirally in space and form stable focused vortex beams. Compared with the traditional method that requires electronic control of an array consisting of a large number of transducers, this method provides a more effective and compact solution.