Chin. Phys. Lett.  2017, Vol. 34 Issue (7): 070302    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/34/7/070302
Implementing Classical Hadamard Transform Algorithm by Continuous Variable Cluster State
Yu Wang**, Qi Su
State Key Laboratory of Cryptology, Beijing 100878
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Yu Wang, Qi Su 2017 Chin. Phys. Lett. 34 070302
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Abstract Measurement-based one-way quantum computation, which uses cluster states as resources, provides an efficient model to perform computation. However, few of the continuous variable (CV) quantum algorithms and classical algorithms based on one-way quantum computation were proposed. In this work, we propose a method to implement the classical Hadamard transform algorithm utilizing the CV cluster state. Compared with classical computation, only half operations are required when it is operated in the one-way CV quantum computer. As an example, we present a concrete scheme of four-mode classical Hadamard transform algorithm with a four-partite CV cluster state. This method connects the quantum computer and the classical algorithms, which shows the feasibility of running classical algorithms in a quantum computer efficiently.
Received: 19 January 2017      Published: 23 June 2017
PACS:  03.67.Lx (Quantum computation architectures and implementations)  
  21.60.Gx (Cluster models)  
  42.50.Xa (Optical tests of quantum theory)  
  82.80.Nj (Fourier transform mass spectrometry)  
Fund: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 11504024, 61502041, 61602045 and 61602046, and the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant No 2016YFA0302600.
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Yu Wang
Qi Su
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