Chin. Phys. Lett.  1999, Vol. 16 Issue (9): 683-685    DOI:
Original Articles |
Femtosecond Time-Resolved Near-Field Spectroscopy of CdSe Nanocluster Films
YAN Hong1;QIAN Wei1;DENG Yu-jun1;XIA Zong-ju1;ZOU Ying-hua1;ZHANG Jing-bo2;LIN Yuan2;XIAO Xu-rui2
1Department of Physics, Mesoscopic Physics Laboratory, Peking University, Beijing 100871 2Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101
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YAN Hong, QIAN Wei, DENG Yu-jun et al  1999 Chin. Phys. Lett. 16 683-685
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Abstract By using scanning near-field optical microscopy in the femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe experiments, we have studied the time-resolved near-field spectroscopy of CdSe nanocluster films. The submicrometer space dependence of electron dynamics was observed, which is attributed to the non-uniform distributions of interstitial defects in the films.
Keywords: 73.61.Jm      78.47.+p      78.66.-w     
Published: 01 September 1999
PACS:  73.61.Jm  
  78.66.-w (Optical properties of specific thin films)  
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Articles by authors
YAN Hong
DENG Yu-jun
XIA Zong-ju
ZOU Ying-hua
ZHANG Jing-bo
LIN Yuan
XIAO Xu-rui
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